Wampum Presbyterian Church

The Wampum Presbyterian Church was born during the years 1846 to 1848 under the efforts of Benoni Wilkinson and others who were, at that time, members of the mother church (Slippery Rock Presbyterian Church).

The first meetings were held in a large house built by John Jackson, which he later left vacant.  For some time after that, meetings were held in the school house.  The first church building was erected around 1848 on land given to the church by Robert Davidson.  The church was officially organized by a committee of the Presbytery of Beaver on May 18, 1848. 

A congregational report from 1854 documents a church roll of approximately 60 individuals.  Last year we had 162 members. We have families who have ties to our founding fathers and many new families who are adding additional strength to our foundation.

It is our hope that all who pass through our doors will feel the love and warmth of Jesus Christ and will cherish the time spent with our church family.


Our Mission

Teach, Learn, and Serve are our driving principles.  We teach each other, strengthening our faith. Our Sunday School classes span from preschool through adult. We educate our children through our Bible Buddies, special programs, and vacation bible school (one of the best weeks of the year).  Pastor Elizabeth Wallace delivers thoughtful and thought provoking sermons weekly.  We learn through each other during Sunday School. We learn through our success and our mistakes.  We serve our community through many different missions.  Some missions are local while others reach  around the globe.  Even our kids serve, donating pennies, collecting soup and caroling in the community. Our church family enjoys time together in fellowship and excels in supporting each other.